I liked this block going in, though. My background is pretty busy and it takes a strong block to stand up to that holly print! This block is called "Solomon's Star". Thanks, Tamara, I like this one a lot.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
November BOM ...
I liked this block going in, though. My background is pretty busy and it takes a strong block to stand up to that holly print! This block is called "Solomon's Star". Thanks, Tamara, I like this one a lot.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Four More Random Blocks...
Not that I have to, I just feel badly that I made a commitment and then flaked on it. How hard is it to make a block a week and post it to a blog that I don't even host? Donna has been really sweet to pull a number of a block for us all to do each week, and there isn't any pressure from anybody to do each and every one. I just think it would be really neat to have 52 blocks in a box at the end of the year! Some of the people who are doing the FBP blocks have different colors or specifc prints they use for the different sized blocks... so they can actually make reasonable looking quilts with the blocks they've made and some of us never even thought of anything that organized! The blocks are all free from Marcia Holm's Quilter's Cache. Some of the blocks really neat, some are not the most interestingto make, and some have wildly complicated directions - the "This isn't as hard as I'm making it look" variety - but making a block a week really does improve our piecing skills, especially those of us who are beginners! I know my points have gotten much more accurate and I'm not intimidated by HSTs or small blocks with lots of pieces.
Color choice is another matter - sometimes it is on, and other times not so much. I have a lot of scraps (Kerstin will vouch that I simply cannot throw anything out) and fabric that is pretty dated... but making "scrappy" quilts this year and teh weekly FBP blocks is using up a good deal of that stash. I'm not officially keeping track of yards in/yards used, but the last fabric I purchased was the back for Marjory's quilt (which I had sent directly to Kerstin and didn't even see until it was quilted onto the top!) and the fat quarters I bought at Sisters in July. Oh, no... I forgot...there was the FQ I bought at the Pacific NW Quilt Expo, but I sent that directly to my Friendship Bag Swap partner... so I'm not sure that counts either.)
Let's see, what blocks do we have in this post? "Footstool" is the first - not sure why it is called that... I'm not seeing it in the block, but whatever. I changed the direction of the hourglass blocks, so I may have inadvertently made another block entirely!
Next is "Rotunda", though my bright color choices and the elephant print make it a bit hard to seee the tradional block pattern.
The one that looks blue is actually black-and-white print, and red-and-white print ... appropriate for "Dewey Dream" (yeah, 'Black and white and red all over' - sorry, couldn't help myself!)
This very last block is not a catch up, it is the current FBP block for week 44 - can you believe it!?? the year is almost over - called "Gamecock". I can't leave well enough alone, though, so I did what my friend Hetty suggested, and swapped out the center square. It was supposed to be the BG color, but I used a blue one. It does make the birds' heads a little harder to see, but the block was way too white the way it was designed!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Lovely Rainy Weather !
I do love the rain... it makes the trees so happy! Everything is cool and private because people stay inside their nice warm, dry houses... and I get a chance to stay in and quilt, or knit, or cook, or paint! And when I go outside for a walk, everything smells so fresh and good!
I've been catching up on projects for a while... I finished Marjory's quilt, made a pincushion for Sheila, pieced all the Hawaiian Shirt pillows (now I still have to actually quilt them - that is a bit intimidating, still) and I'm catching up on the NorCal (Christmas Quilt) BOM and the Friday Block Party missing pieces. I had a lot of trouble posting these four photos to the FBP website with comments next to the blocks. The formatting got all wonky, and I had to re-do the post five times to get it right...so I'm just going to post these, and not actually comment on them next to each one.
The first one is Something-or-other-swallows (the pattern I used for Leena's quilt last year), the second is Fool's Puzzle, the third is Blind Man's Fancy, and the last one is Album Star. Maybe the order they'll come out - I don't know!
The first one is Something-or-other-swallows (the pattern I used for Leena's quilt last year), the second is Fool's Puzzle, the third is Blind Man's Fancy, and the last one is Album Star. Maybe the order they'll come out - I don't know!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Poor Martine!
Just look what was inside... a pretty laser-cut card (with a letter from Martine), a box of chocolates all dressed up in a raffia bow - each of the chocolates has the photo of a different scene of distinctive Dutch Architecture. There i
s a kit to make a Garden Themed wall hanging along with the fabric and embriodery floss to complete it... and a small bag of wee tiny buttons (smaller even than doll-sized) for embellishment! How nice of her to fill the pretty lace trimed bag with such an assortment of goodies!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
FBP and Friendship Bag
Now that Florence got her bag, I can show you what I made... my first bag ever. The bag was dead easy, and I'll probably end up making bags as Christmas presents, or as wrapping for Christmas presents... they were that much fun!
I put some tea, biscotti, and a fat quarter of darling Halloween Fabric inside Florenc's bag - she said she liked all the little extras, so that made me feel pretty good about sending them off to her.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Last of the pillow blocks for now... maybe.
This block is called Morning Star 2, from Quilter's Cache... it w
as way back at week #8 in the FBP blocks, and I don't know if I had even started by then! Probably had, but I didn't do this one. I made it out of some of the Kahala Shirt Fabrics for the kids' pillows. Hoped to hae them all finished and given as "Birthday Presents" yesterday - that didn't happen... I still need to practice more on my quilting. I'm getting better, though. I'm still reluctant to put the quilting on these, as I know they'll be around for a long time - and while I don't need perfect, good is really necessary.
I made a little bag to send off to a quilter in Florida as part of a swap. The bag was fun and I got some quilting practice in on it, too! My "water" pattern is getting better. I loved the Halloween fat-quarter and just had to put it in! It was the ONLY thing I bought (Oh, no... I got a book, too... forgot) at the Pacific Northwest Quilting Expo last week. I was pretty proud of myself for not spending a fortune! I did colect a bunch of cards and wrote on the back what I wanted from each of the vendors, so I can do all that shopping later, tee hee.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Playing catch-up yet again!
This first one is actually the current block, so it isn't a catch-up at all.
Titled "Nelson's Victory", I used bubbles, white tone-on-tone ocean waves and blood red. Problem here - there wasn't enough of the perfect blood red! I had another red, but it was too dark; didn't look quite bloody enough. So, Scot that I am... I sewed some tiny red strips together to get my last 3 1/2 inch square. Yay me! The windy morning made for an oddly-shaped block.
This next one is a catch-up block from the week
What did I learn from this block? Never sew when you are mad at somebody. You'll just have to take a do-over ! The Do-Over did come out a bit better; I really like the reddish flowered Chinz pattern, and the middle green is my "most favorite" color ever (no fair telling the 'teacher police' about my grevious grammar errors, you guys!)... Anyway, I wasn't about to let this block go and waste fabric just because I had a burr under my saddle. I suppose the solitude did me good, as I'm not as PO-ed as I was. The block is still wonky, but it will do.
This last block is the "Castles in the Air" for FBP that I posted a while back. "Jack" (yeah, the Ripper- thanks, J!) and I spent some quality time and I got the blue blocks where they belong. One more of the Hawaiian Shirt Fabric blocks, and I'll be good to go for the 27th! Just puttin' the pillows together! Cathy and Duck will get theirs later, but they are OK with that.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Castles in the ... OOOoops!
I was pleased with this block, week 35 for Friday BlockParty, that I made using some of the grey Kahala Hawaiian fabric from one of Spud's shirts. I am making the kids each a pillow using the fabric, and thought I'd use some of the FBP block patterns since I don't have projects in mind for them.
After I took the photo, I noticed that there was a problem with the block. I've reversed the top center and left middle blocks. The blue fabric should be on the outside. Oh, well. More quality time with the seam ripper.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
More FBP Blocks
Starting with the very first of the FBP blocks (wk#1) as my first
make up... I didn't join the group until the fifth or sixth week, I think. This one is Broken Dishes Variation, and the tomato red Batik reminds me of Catsup. I was putting more fabric into tubs so I could locate it easier, and came across a whole stash of Batik I didn't know I had! How cool is that! I got a bunch more fabric and didn't have to spend a dime... no complaints here.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Back to the "Block Party"
I have been a BBAAADDD player in QuiltPixie's Friday Block Party! I got Side Tracked and Off Track and now I'm having to Back Track! I know I don't have to backtrack, but I think I need to - for me. My skills and ability to focus would be greatly enhanced by doing the rest of the missing blocks. My goal is to finish all the "missing blocks" for FBP, but not to stress too much about when they get finished, short of sometime this year. I'm going to attempt completing one make-up block a week. I know I don't work anyhere near as fast as Julie or Roz, so I won't be doing eight in a week! Tee hee! Sometimes I may get two, and the regular block, but I'm not out to set any speed records! The premise of the Party was/is to have fun... and that's what I'm going to do.

This first block, week 33, was actually posted Thursday at FBP... before the Friday deadline, but I didn't get it posted here. I did it in Christmas fabrics, because I didn't like one of the blocks from the NorCal BOM... my colorway will make it a Christmas Quilt using those blocks. This elegant block is called "Northumberland Star". I followed the directions exactly (yeah, unusual for me...) and found I really didn't like the inherent "Wobbly-ness" of the bias edges. I do like the overall look of the block, but I don't think I'll be making a whole quilt of them.
This first block, week 33, was actually posted Thursday at FBP... before the Friday deadline, but I didn't get it posted here. I did it in Christmas fabrics, because I didn't like one of the blocks from the NorCal BOM... my colorway will make it a Christmas Quilt using those blocks. This elegant block is called "Northumberland Star". I followed the directions exactly (yeah, unusual for me...) and found I really didn't like the inherent "Wobbly-ness" of the bias edges. I do like the overall look of the block, but I don't think I'll be making a whole quilt of them.
This next entry, week 34, is a small one (9" finished) called "Rally 'Round". Since I made two other 9" blocks in very bright juvenile fabrics (mostly froggie prints), I stayed with the theme - maybe I'll have enough small blocks for a Valley of the Moon Quilt, eh? I really liked the finished block, but I was so un-focused that I spent a LOT of quality time with my seam ripper!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Wedding Quilt
Monday, August 17, 2009
Little Quilty Bag for Design Wall Monday
Her camera is so cute! John Lassiter (of Pixar) and company are Mac folks, and I just realized why Erin's camera looks so famliar! That is "Wall-e" poking his head out of the bag!
Since I finished Marjory's quilt (binding is all finished, too), I guess this IS what is on my design wall for Monday... or would be if I had a design wall. I'm starting a UFO tomorrow; an almost-finished table runner. I'm going to start learning machine quilting on it.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Northern Beauty
In Edinburgh, a "Listed" dwelling requires a good deal of red tape if you want to do anything at all to it... you have to go to the Heritage Commission (or somebody important) if you want to make any changes at all. That said, Marjory is re-doing the interior and changing out some of the colors inside the flat. I finally decided on the design for her quilt: feminine and semi-Georgian, in the greens and pinky-red florals she has chosen.
There are a lot of pieces in "Blackford's Beauty" block (the name of the pattern I did the variation upon) and making this quilt took me quite a long time. I changed the center square after I had made the 12 blocks because the blue/lavender print I had chosen, even though it is one of Marjory's favorite colors, didn't have enough snap. I'm happy with the quilt now, though... tomorow the quilt is off to the longarm quilter's - then back to me for the binding, and finally on to Marjory in Scotland! I do hope she will be pleased.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Sewing, but not Quilting...
Last night I made this cute pillowcase for Marlene (actually, her dog Sam will probably end up with it... not really her colors!) I loved the print, all the sweet doggieness of it
Yesterday I spent cutting the sashing for Marjory M's quilt... when it finally got cool enough to go upstairs. We are having a heatwave... and I don't do heat! That's why I moved to Oregon... much cooler than California- NOT. Temps have been in the low 90s all week, and next week they are to go higher - triple digits, as I hear it. Not good for me at all... I can hear the coast calling me!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Sisters Saturday
WOW! What an amazing day! Quilts were hanging everywhere... over 1200 of them, according to the flyer that we picked up at "The Stitchin' Post". Quilts in every conceivable style, and all absolutely beautiful! The crowd was immense, and everybody seemed to be having fun looking at the quilts, greeting old friends, and making new friends as well. We decided we'd do the whole festival next year instead of just coming for the show... classes, picnic and all.
There were so many wonderful activities scheduled... I don't know how people could choose what to do!
Several streets were closed off to cars, making for a wonderful walking and quilt-looking experience. Quilts were displayed outside and inside some of the shops as well. There were thousands of visitors to the town as you can see here, and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves in spite of the very hot day! Fun to walk down the middle of the street and see so many quilts - Heaven! Don't let anybody know that it isn't always rainy in Oregon... they'll all want to move to this beautiful spot!

A Guild from Washington brought two "Quilty Cars"... the members had made quilted covers for their mini-van and PT Cruiser... Way fun! The windows have screens over them, and there is velcro closing the doors so the cars can actually be driven with their coats on (NOT on the freeway, of course... but in parades). I'm trying to talk Kerstin into making a cover for her van... so she can drive it in Petaluma's Butter and Eggs Day parade!
A Guild from Washington brought two "Quilty Cars"... the members had made quilted covers for their mini-van and PT Cruiser... Way fun! The windows have screens over them, and there is velcro closing the doors so the cars can actually be driven with their coats on (NOT on the freeway, of course... but in parades). I'm trying to talk Kerstin into making a cover for her van... so she can drive it in Petaluma's Butter and Eggs Day parade!
My current favorite quilt pattern is "Snail Trail" and there was a whole section of just Snail Trails! Scrappy, Batik, Two-Color Traditional, and Modern Colorway... very cool! Not all the quilts were hung by theme, some were arranged according to fabric type, some by pattern, some by color. It was a beautiful show!
On the way home we stopped at one of the "Open Farms" for the Oregon Lavender Festival"... nice surprise as we wern't expecting to have any more excitement after the Outdoor Quilt Show! I got two more lavender plants, one a pale pink "Melissa" variety, for my garden... and Kerstin got some lovely hand lotion - Lavender scented, of course!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Swap
Thursday, June 25, 2009
I'm back from California... and ready to GET QUILTING! No sewing machine at my Dad's house, so I did a lot of knitting (and a LOT of ripping out... I've knitted enough to have finished the blue cable pullover, but I'm not quite finished with the back... does that make sense? I think I ripped 6" at least four times - but I like what I've got now, and it actually follows the pattern!)

While I was away, Nova finally got her Swap package, so I can show you the "Funky Chicken" potholders I made for Leah and Nova in the Kitchen Swap.
This one is Nova's ... She wanted some bright colors... so the lime green was my color choice for her! You can't see the "Useful Bowl" very well - it is dark brown - at the top center of the picture, but I sent her one of my handmade pots, too. I just love the chicken pattern that I got from Kerstin!
And this one is Leah's. Her kitchen is black and white and blue. I sent her a sturdy tea mug as well, hoping it would survive family use. We were both surprised that the packet of tea survived Customs. The popsicle molds will probably have to wait to be used until Australia' Summer rolls around in October/November.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Marjory's Quilt
I have been working on several projects at once... two of them I can't show yet, as they are for Terri's "Kitchen Swap" and since I just sent the boxes out on Friday (and my Partners live in Australia), I don't want to show you what I made until they get their packages! You'll just have to wait... dum, da, dum-dum; dum da, dum-dum... dup, ta da da, dum, dum, dum! (Yeah, VERY few would recognize that as the "Jepoardy" music... but it was.)
I've also been working on the Friday Block Party pieces, the Norcal BOM, finishing the QA BOM from several years ago,on working on the pillows for the kids... and on Marjory's Quilt. Marjory lives in Scotla
nd, and I'm making her a quilt to go in her "new" bedroom. She lives in a wonderful flat quite near Arthur's Seat in Edinburg. I can show you a picture of the block that makes up the quilt. There are 12 blocks in the quilt and the soft pink is repeated in the sashing between the blocks. I'm thinking of green cornerstones for the sashing... making it a bit like a "journey" quilt as well. I really like the pale greens in this quilt and I think the lavender center block really ties it all together.
The block is called "Bradford's Beauty", it is a straightforward, traditional block, and I used Bonnie Hunter's excellent scrappy tutorial to help with the construction. Bonnie gave her quilt three borders with 4Patch cornerstones, and I think I'll do the same. Of course, I'll send Bonnie a picture of my variation when I'm finished.
I really like the Fuschia patterned fabric that Sheila picked out. I added the lavender print to the centers beacuse that is Marjory's favorite color. I was actually a bit surprised that Marjory had chosen a dark pinky-red and pale green for her window seats instead of her favorite blues and purples, but it made it easy for me to find lots of good greens from my stash to use in her quilt! I'll show more pictures later... I have to go mow some more of my yard! Spring really does make the grass grow, doesn't it?
I've also been working on the Friday Block Party pieces, the Norcal BOM, finishing the QA BOM from several years ago,on working on the pillows for the kids... and on Marjory's Quilt. Marjory lives in Scotla
The block is called "Bradford's Beauty", it is a straightforward, traditional block, and I used Bonnie Hunter's excellent scrappy tutorial to help with the construction. Bonnie gave her quilt three borders with 4Patch cornerstones, and I think I'll do the same. Of course, I'll send Bonnie a picture of my variation when I'm finished.
I really like the Fuschia patterned fabric that Sheila picked out. I added the lavender print to the centers beacuse that is Marjory's favorite color. I was actually a bit surprised that Marjory had chosen a dark pinky-red and pale green for her window seats instead of her favorite blues and purples, but it made it easy for me to find lots of good greens from my stash to use in her quilt! I'll show more pictures later... I have to go mow some more of my yard! Spring really does make the grass grow, doesn't it?
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Swap Package Arrived!
I have two swap partners for Terri's "Kitchen Swap". This is my first swap, so I was a little unsure of how things were to play out. My partner Nova, from Queensland, Australia, helped me out with the logistics of swapping.
And look at what she sent me! All sorts of wonderful little packages wrapped up in bright "Sunshiney" paper! I was really happy to receive one of her wonderful tiny bags... mine is in teal and brick floral prints. She repeated the prints on the tea towel she embellished and the potholder as well! There was a book of biscuit and tea-treats, and she included a yummy looking Lemon Cake receipe as well. Henry has already requested that one for his Sunday Dinner treat. My treat was a wonderful ginger-Lemon tea and some wonderful smelling lemon soap! (Not sharing either one of those, sorry, H.) THANK YOU, NOVA... you are the best.
I sent my boxes off to both my swap partners this morning, but Dave at the package store said it takes five days to Australia, then customs has to do their look-see... so Leah and Nova won't get their presents for a while. :( I want the packages there NOW, Dave... right now!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Who am I ???
These were/are growing in what might loosely be termed "the front lawn". I mowed around them, thinking they were really pretty. I have no idea what they are, though - so I decided to ask my "Quilty-Blogfriends". So many of you seem to know so much about flowers! There is a longish crocus-like leaf, then a bouquet of five-petaled white flowers on a stem... very short (maybe stunted? lack of care???) about 4-5" tall overall. Are they a wildflower, or just feral? They are not growing in any of the semi-cultivated flowerbeds, just in the lawn.
Ideas, anyone? (probably a really common weed, and I'll be really red-faced for asking you all! tee hee)
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Baby Steps...
I joined a group of women who meet at a church in Roseburg to learn to "knit RIGHT" (sorry, using a book only works if you already know how, or are far more focused than I am) and actually learn to follow a pattern in a book like everybody else can do. I always wanted to make a sweater with a pattern in it, and I love cables... so after I did a sampler and felt comfortable with the basic knit and purl stitches, Lorna suggested I try a simple cable pullover.
Hah! Easy for her to say, she's a knitter! I got started, though, and I'm coming along fine... the cable is starting to turn, and it actually does look sort of like a sweater.
Friday, May 8, 2009
MIA ? Not Exactly...
Anyway, I did a variation of "Cross and Crown" for week 16, and my own very flowery version of "FlyFoot" for week 17 - at least I think those are the proper weeks.
I really like this Victorian flower print, and the plain boring beige works quite nicely with it, I think. Is it my imagination, or does this one sort of look like a Chinese Fortune Cookie? I added a 2" strip to all the sides, so it could go in the 12" block pile.
This one looks like
a Stone Henge, or a quasi-Japanese Temple.That's probably because I switched the placement of the long side strips (I didn't like the more choppy look of the goldy squares and then the blue stripes and THEN the goldy stripes). My ironing job made the block a bit wonky, but I straightened it out after I took the picture. I added 2" strips to the outside so it would finish at 12" (not sure why, now that I think of it... the blue is overpowering).
I'm making two "Quick Nine-Patches" as presents for friends (one moved, and the other is getting married); I'm involved in two "Swaps"- I've been assigned really nice ladies for both swaps; making Pillows for the kids from Spud's Hawaiian shirts; and working on Marjory's quilt. I'll try to be a bit more consistent with Blogging - I love to read everyone else's posts, and it seems like I should be sharing what I'm doing as well.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Queen's X, Not It !!
I realy do like the "bubbles" fabric. Wish I could remember where I got it - NO I don't, 'cause then I'd want to go get more of it, and I don't have a specific project that needs to be completed using just that fabric... I can substitute if I need that blue!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
First Finish for 09! No Kiddin'!
There is a front moving in, and it was pretty windy... but I got a shot of my "Bears in the Farmhouse" quilt before the rain.
I did the Quilt Along with Judy Laquidaria and friends... and all I have to do is piece the backing and off this puppy goes to Louisa for its turn on the longarm!
Thanks to Judy and her deadlines, I actually finished a quilt... not only that, but it was done in one day under a month! (well, I'M impressed anyway) I like the way it came out, too. I waffled on the fabric selection; resolving to use only my stash. I wasn't happy with the stripes I chose... they were too 'regular'. Then I found that wavery sort of stripey fabric that I couldn't live without... but all the rest is "pre-purchased".
You can't even see a dent in the boxes, Kerstin! There are still SIX! I guess I'll sign on for the next one of Judy's QAs, it is fun to do quilts with other people... lots of encouragement from new friends as well.
Cheers, all. I'm off to find backing for this quilt, then maybe to the Post Office with the box for Louisa!
YYAAAY! I'm done!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Random Seven
My friend Marlene, over at Country Girl on the Chesapeake Bay had a post about a "Giveaway Meme" that she was/is doing. I told her I'd like to do that, too... but I didn't know what a "Meme" was (still don't... but I'm going to look it up just as soon as I post this). I did look it up! It means to use something from somebody else's mind to spark the creative impulse in your own mind... so that's what I'm doing: using Marlene's idea and carrying it forward.
Anyway, the deal is that I'm going to give away seven "things" to the first seven readers who respond to my post (assuming I have seven readers)... one to each person, not seven to one person! And one for Marlene P. as well - so you don't have to be the first seven, M... that makes eight - but Marlene wasn't expecting that part.
All that YOU, fearless reader, have to do is comment on this post saying that you'd like to be on the receiving end of what I decide to make for you. Oh, yeah, and then respond off-blog (email, please) to me letting me know where to send your gift.
And another caveat: you have to pass on the goodness by posting that you'll give away seven things to seven people who read your blog... sometime within the coming year (by Dec. 31st of 2009).
What can these "things" be? Well, anything that I choose to make for you... it will be something you'll like, because I don't do shoddy work. And it won't be something I bought - because that isn't the point of a gift - it has to be from the heart... which is why I've got a year to figure out what to make for you - just for you.
But if it really isn't your style... it is OK to re-gift the gift - but you can't sell it! Ever. No matter how rich and famous I become (like that's going to happen!), and the $$$ you'd make from selling the gift could keep you in fine style at a Bermudan Resort for quilte a while, the "thing" I make for you must never be sold... it can only be passed along, OK? That last part is my caveat, not Marlene's. But I like it. This is in the spirit of giving and renewal. No selling.
OK, That's it, I think.
I'm going upstairs to finish the borders on my Bears quilt now.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Frogs on Surfboards!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Lookin' Better...
The rain stopped long enough to take the top outside to snap this picture. I do love the rain! I guess that is one reason why I like Oregon so much... the trees. Without lots of rain we'd not have all the forests, and I'd not be happy without my trees.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Cheers, All.
Bearpaws Sashed!
I decided not to go to the fabric store, and used some red that was in my stash, and goldy cornerstones. I'm liking it better now... the all-one-fabric red sashing ties the patches together better than I had envisioned, even. I'm going to stick with the red (hope I have enough) for the next-to-inside border as well. I'll show you when I get the next two borders on. Then comes a row of HSTs (I think) and a row of stripes... I may have to bind with dark brown - depending on how much red I've got left!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
More Bears!
I've been setting the Bears in the Farmhouse and have decided that complicated as I thought it was, Bearpaw is probably one of hte easiest blocks to do! I think John's Graduation quilt will be a BearPaw, but that's not for sure, yet.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Bearpaw Madness!
I finished the 12 blocks for Judy L's "Bears in the Farmhouse" Quilt along. Doing the HSTs wasn't bad, deciding where each of the colors should go was, indeed!
I purchased (can't bring myself to say 'buy' these days - especially where stash is concerned) the stripes because I loved the subtle colors. I think I should have gone with the snappier pink, yellow, and white stripes that I'd originally picked from the stash. They made the ecru/brown even darker, though. I think I've gotten this quilt awfully dark, and I'm not sure how to fix it. There was so little yellow in Ye Olde Stashe, that I'd have had to get more to finish, so I did an array of reds instead.
I was thinking I'd switch back to yellows where JL has reds in her design; this quilt is beyond subtle to really somber. Even though there are no yellows in the scrappy HSTs, do you think the yellow border(s) would "punch it up" or make it even muddier and more confusing?
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